Scouting is Great for Kids!
Sick of seeing your son in front of the TV, PSP, Wii or other mind-numbing techno device? Want him to make friends, to better understand the world around him and to become more self-sufficient? Looking for an outlet that gives you a chance to spend quality time and get to know your son? You need to find out what scouting has to offer!
Pack 283 is right here in Southern Village and if your son is between the 1st and 4th grade, and interested in scouting, we want you! Our organizational meeting is Thursday, September 4th at 7-8 PM at Christ United Methodist Church Hall. We will have games for the boys and will be distributing information, signing up new families and registering returning scouts. We plan for a $50 registration fee ($60 if your son wants Boy’s Life magazine). Please bring your checkbook. Scholarships are available for anyone who would like to participate but is not able to afford it and no boy who wishes to be involved will be unable to for financial reasons.
So come see your neighbors and find out what scouting is about. Look forward to seeing you there!