Author Archives: Website Admin

Proposed Good Neighbor Guide

The SVHOA Board would like to receive feedback on the proposed "Good Neighbor Guide" document and suggestions for additional improvements. The document outlining the proposed changes can be downloaded from here: Good Neighbor Guide. Please email by May 1, … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News

2007 Nominating Committee Formed

The SVHOA Board of Directors has formed the 2007 Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee currently includes Jeremy Purbrick, Bob Callanan, Dick Lowe & Bill Riggs. Presently the Nominating Committee is calling for nominations for two seats on the Board. These … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News

HOA Board Meeting Minutes (2007-02-30)

The minutes from the February Board Meeting are now available.

Posted in Board Meeting Minutes, Southern Village News

HOA Annual General Meeting (2007-02-30)

The minutes from the Annual General Meeting are now available

Posted in Annual General Meeting, Southern Village News

HOA Financial Reports (2007-01-30)

The January 2007 Financial Report is also now available.

Posted in Financial Report, Southern Village News

HOA Pond Reports (2007-03-10)

The March 2007 Pond Report is now available

Posted in Pond Report, Southern Village News

Southern Village Neighborhood Watch – Town Hall Meeting

Wednesday, March 28th from 7pm to 9pm at Christ Church’s Ascension Hall. Southern Village residences are meeting on how we can support a Neighborhood Watch program. Officer Robin Clark will go over what course of action should take place on … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News

SVMA Meeting Agendas (2007-03-01)

The 2007 Annual Meeting of the Southern Village Master Association (SVMA) will be held at Harrington Bank at 5:00 pm on Friday, March 16, 2007. SVMA is the umbrella organization for all other homeowners associations within Southern Village. The proposed … Continue reading

Posted in Meeting Agenda, Southern Village News

HOA Board Meeting Agendas (2007-03-14)

The Southern Village Home Owners Association (SVHOA) Board of Directors are meeting on Wednesday, March 14th at 7pm in the library of Christ Church. This meeting is open to members of the SVHOA, and the first half hour of the … Continue reading

Posted in Board Meeting Agenda, Southern Village News

Red Cross Blood Drive March 5th

March is National Red Cross Month and Christ Church in Southern Village is celebrating by hosting a Blood Drive on Monday, March 5th, 2:00-6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Please help this blood drive be the best ever – be … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News