Category Archives: Southern Village News

February ARB Meeting

The ARB will on Wednesday, February 20th @ 7pm at Weaver Street Market. Questions?  Please e-mail,

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February Board Meeting

The next SVHOA Board meeting is Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 8pm (or, immediately following the AGM) at 800 Market Street.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.  Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

2019 SVHOA Annual Meeting

The 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Southern Village Homeowners Association (SVHOA) will be held at 800 Market Street, otherwise known as Christ Church Ascension Hall @ 7:00pm on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.  Registration of owners will begin at 6:45pm.  … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News

Mandatory Fire System Inspections at Westend Townhomes

FLSA will conduct the annual fire system inspection at Westend Townhomes on Friday, March 1st from 8am until 4:30pm.  They will be inspecting inside each townhome so it is crucial that someone is home to grant them access.  Please also … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA AGM Candidate Statements

The SVHOA AGM Candidate Statements for Hurt Covington and Rana Singh are now available.  Questions, please send an e-mail to

Posted in Southern Village News

January ARB Meeting

The SVHOA ARB did not meet in January, as there were no ARB applications to review.

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

2019 SVHOA AGM Packet

The 2019 SVHOA AGM (annual meeting) packet is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

Looking for an SVHOA Document?

If you are looking for a SVHOA document please click on the documents tab of this website.  There you will find all of the SVHOA documents (ex, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, monthly manager reports, AGM packets, etc.). Questions?  Please e-mail, … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News

2019 SVHOA Annual Meeting

The 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Southern Village Homeowners Association (SVHOA) will be held at 800 Market Street, otherwise known as Christ Church Ascension Hall @ 7:00pm on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.  Registration of owners will begin at 6:45pm.  … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News, Uncategorized

SVHOA, Upcoming Meetings

The SVHOA Board of Directors will next meet on Tuesday, January 15th @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  Additionally, the SVHOA Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 19th @ 7pm at 800 Market Street … Continue reading

Posted in Southern Village News