Category Archives: Southern Village News
SVHOA Reserve Study
SVHOA Board of Directors have hired Raymond Engineering to perform a reserve study later this year. This will be a follow up to the reserve study that Raymond Engineering performed in the fall/winter of 2007. Please click on the below … Continue reading
Good Neighbors Guide
Looking for a copy of the SVHOA Good Neighbors Guide, please click on the below link.
Obey Creek Information
Looking for information on Obey Creek, please click on the below link.
ARB October Approvals
The ARB made the following decisions: 113 Glenhaven, landscaping approved 200 Overlake, landscaping approved 103 Unwin Circle, sunroom & patio approved 121 Glenhaven, fence approved 308 Westside, landscaping & fence approved 208 Brookgreen, deck approved Questions? Please e-mail,
Information on Southern Village Street Trees
Southern Village Homeowners Association (SVHOA) wants to remind residents of single-family homes they are 100% responsible for the maintenance of the trees in front of their homes. Additionally, townhouses & courtyard home owners are responsible for their trees. SVHOA is … Continue reading
Manager’s Report for September
The SVHOA Manager’s Report for September is now available.
Southern Village Hotel Website
Interested in learning more about the proposed Southern Village hotel? Please visit, or come to 400 Market Street, Suite 115 & ask questions.
Obey Creek Concept Plan Meeting Tonight (9/19)
Please read the attached flyer about a very important meeting tonight. This plan would have an impact on Southern Village. Please attend if your schedule allows.
Letter from Board President Mary Jo Coppola
Dear Residents, It is too often that we talk or think about getting something done, but then time passes, distractions interfere and before long the idea has vanished. I am glad that Susan Duke did not allow this to happen … Continue reading
Proposed Southern Village Hotel
Looking for information about the proposed Southern Village Hotel, click here.