ARB, November Meeting

The ARB will next meet on Monday, November 18, 2019 @ 7pm at Weaver Street Market. Questions?  Please e-mail: or text to (919) 448-5150

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SVHOA Open Space Community Survey

SVHOA needs your help to gather information about Southern Village open space use, perceptions, and suggestions for improvement. Results will inform community focus group discussions (to be scheduled). Survey and focus group results will inform creation of a Southern Village Common Area Management Plan to set priorities for SVHOA investments in open space improvements.

Please allow 15-20 minutes to complete the survey, which is anonymous and not linked to your email unless you are willing to volunteer and add contact information at the end.

To get started please click on the below link.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB, October Meeting

At this month’s ARB meeting the below decisions were made:

1307 Highgrove, fence
214 Westside, patio
147 Graylyn, paint
604 Brookgreen, roof and fence
304 Westside, generator

Need more Information
216 Westside, addition
213 Parkside, deck and remove chimney

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

November Board Meeting

The SVHOA Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, November 19th @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.  Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

Proper Maintenance of Areas Between Sidewalks & Streets

All SVHOA homeowners are required to landscape and maintain the “strip areas” between the sidewalks and the streets in front of their properties.  This includes weeding of mulch and attention to overgrown vegetation.  Please make a note to monitor and address this area as needed.  Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB, September Activity

The ARB made the following decisions at last night’s meeting:

122 Graylyn, shingles
706 Highgrove, shingles
111 Arlen Park, paint
117 Graylyn, paint
401 Highgrove, addition
401 Highgrove, generator

Not Approved
1307 Highgrove, fence (based on style and color)

As a reminder if an owner wants to appeal an ARB denial (not approved) to the SVHOA Board of Directors all they need to do is contact the HOA Management office by phone (call or text): (919) 448-5150 or by sending an e-mail:

Questions?  Please e-mail:

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Townhome II: New Roofing Project (Limited Addresses)

The SVHOA Board of Directors have approved new roofs for units at the below addresses (all of which are part of TH2).  The roofs will be replaced by Chief Roofing, who is the vendor that did all the roof work at TH1 earlier this summer.  The Chief Roofing crews will start the week of Monday, September 30th.  Please know this letter has been mailed to all unit owners & will be hand delivered to all unit addresses in the days ahead.

  • 200-212 Greenview (even only)
  • 200-210 Brookgreen (even only)

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA Board Decisions (from 9/11 Meeting)

At tonight’s SVHOA Board of Directors meeting the following was approved.

  • 106 Eastgreen Drive, Exterior Painting
  • 210 Edgewater Circle, Front (Street) Facing Solar Panels

Note, effective immediately the SVHOA Board of Directors is very open to approving rear facing, side facing & front facing solar panels, so long as the unit/property owner has gained ARB approval, in advance, for the project.  As always, please involve the ARB before you do any work to the exterior of your home, especially as it relates to changes to your roof (specifically adding solar panels to any part of your roof structure).

As a reminder if an owner wants to appeal an ARB denial (not approved) to the SVHOA Board of Directors all they need to do is contact the HOA Management office by phone (call or text): (919) 448-5150 or by sending an e-mail:

If you have questions for the ARB please e-mail:

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Eagle Scout Project Workday (9/14)

Please know the final workday for an Eagle Scout Project that directly benefits SVHOA is set for Saturday, September 14th @ 8am.  Crews will be working all morning on building a bridge to allow for access from the trail off of Edgewater Circle to Culbreth Middle School.  Please consider stopping by, even if it is for just 1-2 hours.

Questions?  Please send a text to Tony Smith at (919) 357-8091.

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA Board Meeting, New Date

Please know the SVHOA Board of Directors will now meet on Wednesday September 11th @ 6:30pm.  The location is 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News