4th of July in Southern Village

Dear Neighbors,

Chapel Hill’s Independence Day celebration — including fireworks — has been moved to Southern Community Park, with additional festivities planned for the Market Street Green. Please see info below, distributed by the Town of Chapel Hill and the Market Street Association for additional information. Parking around the green will be restricted starting at 2 pm, and cars will be prohibited starting at 5 pm.

Also, I know that the sound of fireworks can be stressful for dogs and other pets. I encourage you to keep your animals inside and/or securely leashed during the times surrounding these events. More information is available at the town website: https://www.chapelhilljuly4fireworks.com/


Susana Dancy
SVHOA Board President

Posted in Southern Village News

July Board Meeting

The SVHOA Board of Directors will next meet on Tuesday, July 16th @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.  Questions?  Please e-mail, officemanager@berkeleychapelhill.com.

Agenda (Jul)
agenda-jul.pdf (498 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB, June Meeting

The ARB made the following decisions at last night’s meeting.

209 Westside, skylights
104 Meeting, wheelchair ramp
1307 Highgrove, landscaping and patio
106 Nolen, sun shade
417 Brookgreen, paint
100 Eastgreen, drain
407 Parkview Crescent, skylights

Need more information
410 Parkview Crescent, fence
118 Westgreen, landscaping
110 Eastgreen, paint
107 Greenview, fence

Questions?  Please e-mail, arb@southernvillage.org.

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

Townhomes I New Roofs

The SVHOA Board of Directors approved new roofs for Townhomes I.  The vendor has been notified, the deposit has been paid & work is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 8, 2019.  A letter has been mailed to all TH1 owners with more details.

Questions?  Please e-mail, officemanager@berkeleychapelhill.com.

Posted in Southern Village News

Town of Chapel Hill: Click & Share App

The Town of Chapel Hill has a new app, which can be downloaded from any App Store platform.  This app has a click & share feature that allows for a town resident to see & then report an issue directly to the town.  For example, if you see a pothole you can report its exact location via a picture to the correct department.  Same for dead or dying street trees, broken sidewalks, missing traffic signs and much more.  Please consider downloading this new app today.

Posted in Southern Village News

Westend Townhomes, Exterior Trim Repairs

The SVHOA Board of Directors has authorized exterior repairs for the 22 units that are part of Westend Homes.  This work will begin on Monday, June 10th.  Details below.

Posted in Southern Village News

Highgrove Townhomes Irrigation System

The SVHOA Board of Directors has decided to not turn on the landscape irrigation system for Highgrove Townhomes (48 units).  This decision is for 2019 only & will be reviewed again before the summer of 2020.

Update (6/1/19): The Board would like to hear from you on this decision, please consider sending an e-mail to manager@southernvillage.org with your feedback.  Thank you.

Update (6/17/19): The Board voted to repair the irrigation system & turn it on for this summer; the Board will re-visit HG THs irrigation during the 2020 budget cycle.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB, May Actions

The ARB made the below decisions at the May Meeting.

  • 519 Highgrove, landscaping approved
  • 106 Eastgreen, new roof (energy star) approved
  • 220 Westside, landscaping approved
  • 209 Edgewater, landscaping approved
  • 106 Glade, add new gate  approved
  • 915 Edgewater, landscaping, patio & fence approved
  • 118 Graylyn, playset approved
  • 405 Parkview Crescent, shingles approved
  • 506 Highgrove, painting approved
  • Westend Townhomes, new front doors not approved or denied (more info needed)
  • 315 Edgewater, drainage & landscaping denied
  • 106 Eastgreen, painting denied

Questions?  Please e-mail, arb@southernvillage.org.

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

July Board Meeting

The SVHOA Board of Directors will next meet on Tuesday, July 16th @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.  Questions?  Please e-mail, officemanager@berkeleychapelhill.com.

Posted in Southern Village News

Adding Your E-mail to the HOA List

Here are the steps to add your e-mail to the HOA mailing list.

  • Step 1: visit the community website, www.southernvillage.org
  • Step 2: scroll to the down (bottom right) & enter your e-mail under Mailing List Signup
  • Step 3: check your e-mail and confirm your information is correct

Note, if you still need help, please e-mail, officemanager@berkeleychapelhill.com.

Posted in Southern Village News