ARB Guidelines: Roof Replacements & Exterior Painting

Dear Neighbors,

There has been some confusion recently about whether roof replacements need approval by the Southern Village HOA Architectural Review Board.  While they are not specifically cited in the covenants, the board believes that roof color and materials are exterior changes that fall under HOA jurisdiction. Therefore, changes to the roof — either to the color or the materials — need ARB approval. **If you are replacing your roof with the same color and material, you do not need approval.**

Some homeowners have had an understandable interest in installing energy-efficient shingles, which come in many colors. To date, the ARB has turned down at least one application for white shingles, yet it has approved several lighter-color, energy efficient shingles. Because of the variety of roof manufacturers, it is not realistic to pre-approved shingle colors or types.

Regarding paint colors, there are three pre-approved palettes of colors noted on this website (please click on the ARB page of this website). If you choose from this list, we recommend that you send a letter and/or email to the HOA manager noting the color you have selected. This will be documented so that if a complaint is made about your choice, there will be no need to submit an ARB application to demonstrate your adherence to the covenants.

Homeowners can paint their houses a color that is NOT in the pre-approved Sherwin Williams palettes, but only with ARB approval. NOTE:  You do not need to use Sherwin Williams paints, as other manufacturers can color-match the paint swatches available at the Sherwin Williams store. These were chosen as a convenience for homeowners.

Because of the close proximity of most houses, we encourage you to talk with your immediate neighbors about significant changes you are considering for your house, to get their feedback and identify potential problems. This does not give your neighbor approval authority or veto-power over your proposed changes, as that decision lies with the ARB and the Board of Directors, both of which work hard to balance the need for change over time with maintaining the character of the neighborhood.

Warm regards,

Susana Dancy
SVHOA President
on behalf of the Southern Village HOA Board of Directors

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

ARB: April Approvals & Denials

The ARB made the following decisions at last night’s meeting:

122 Nolen, gate
204 Westgreen, deck stairs
307 Westside, deck and fireplace
514 Highgrove, extend driveway
500 Parkview Crescent, fence
610 Aberdeen, deck and addition

315 Edgewater, landscaping
125 Graylyn, landscaping

Questions?  Please e-mail

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

May Board Meeting

The SVHOA Board of Directors will next meet on Tuesday, May 21st @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.  Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

Monthly Financial Reports

Monthly financial reports are available for SVHOA on demand.  If you would like to see any financial report please send an e-mail to

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB March Approvals

At last night’s meeting the ARB approved the below:

211 Edgewater, paint front door, deck, fence
211 Edgewater, drainage
208 Parkside, fence
105 Hillspring, solar panels
116 Glade, landscaping

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

April Board Meeting – Date Change

The SVHOA Board will now meet on Thursday, April 4, 2019 @ 4pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB Approvals (February)

The ARB approved the below at last night’s meeting.

601 Highgrove, deck
112 Glade, deck
301 Highgrove, painting
1305 Highgrove, play structure
118 Graylyn, privacy fence

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

2019 SVHOA Welcome Packet

The 2019 SVHOA Welcome Packet is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

April Board Meeting

The SVHOA Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, April 2nd @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting and all meetings of the HOA are open to the public.  Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

AGM Summary (2019)

Tonight, 90 persons, either by proxy or in person, attended the SVHOA Annual General Membership (AGM) meeting @ 7pm at Church Church.  Two new Board members, Hurt Covington & Rana Singh, were each elected to serve three year terms.

Immediately following the AGM, the SVHOA Board of Directors meet for a quick organizational meeting.  Elected officers are: President, Susana Dancy; Vice President, Rana Singh; Treasurer, Hurt Covington; Secretary, Nancy Draughon & Susanna Trevino.  Additionally, two committees were formally approved, (1) ARB, with Gregg Melville serving as Chair & (2) Townhome Committee, with Rana Singh serving as Chair.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News