ARB Meeting, July Approval

The ARB approved the below at last night’s meeting.

  • 123 Graylyn, paint front stairs

Questions?  Please e-mail,

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Town of Chapel Hill Mobility Plan – Input Requested

Town-wide Mobility Plan – Input requested

Town of Chapel Hill is in the process of collecting information for a town-wide Mobility Plan.  An initial step involves a Survey and Interactive WikiMap which is being used to gather data on areas where connections and facilities are needed or can be improved.

Take the Survey here:

The WikiMap is here:

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village Traffic Study

Subject: Neighborhood Traffic Study – Survey Deadline July 10th

This is a reminder that the Town of Chapel Hill is conducting a comprehensive traffic study of Southern Village residential areas. The study was initiated by Town Council after town staff received resident petitions for speed tables on several neighborhood streets.

One way to provide input toward this public study is to take the Southern Village Traffic Issues Survey, which closes on July 10:

For more information, visit or contact Kumar Neppalli, Traffic Engineering Manager, at 919-969-5093 or via e-mail at,

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB Meeting, June Approvals

The SVHOA ARB approved the below at last night’s meeting.

130 Hillspring, painting
119 Graylyn, backyard playset
115 Hillspring, front steps and fence repair
112 Meeting, retaining walls
102 Newell, fence
111 Graylyn, painting

Note, the ARB did not have a May meeting, as no applications were submitted.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

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Summer Board Meeting Re-scheduled

Due to summer travel schedules, the SVHOA Board of Directors have re-scheduled the July Board meeting until August 23rd.  More details will follow in the days ahead.

UPDATE:  The SVHOA Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 6:30pm at 101 Market Street 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

July Board Meeting

The next SVHOA Board of Directors meeting is set for Tuesday, July 19, 2016 @ 6:30pm at 101 Market Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.  Questions, please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB Guidelines

The ARB Guidelines have been updated 3 times in the past 10 years.  Copies of which are below.  If you have any questions please e-mail,

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Neighborhood Meeting: Southern Village Traffic Study

A second neighborhood meeting on traffic problems and possible solutions in Southern Village will be held on Tuesday, June 14, 2016.  This meeting is open to the public.

The Town of Chapel Hill will hold a neighborhood meeting to receive input on traffic problems and solutions on streets in Southern Village.

The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at Christ United Methodist Church’s Ascension Hall.

At its March 21, 2016 meeting, the Town Council approved a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to conduct a comprehensive traffic study in Southern Village and provide a report and recommendations to the Council in September 2016.

An initial community meeting was held May 11, 2016.  This 2nd meeting, on Tuesday, June 14, 2016, is a follow up to that initial meeting.

For more information, contact Kumar Neppalli, Traffic Engineering Manager, at 919-969-5093 or

Posted in Southern Village News

Town of Chapel Hill, AT&T & Fiber Optic Cables in SV

Please know the Town of Chapel Hill has given AT&T permission to bring fiber optic cables into Southern Village.  That said, this work has already started.  ANSCO, is the contractor hired by AT&T.  ANSCO said they placed or will place door hangers on the houses affected, those flyers will tell people to call the ANSCO hotline if they have any questions or concerns.  That number is (919) 779-1497.  The Town of Chapel Hill would like people to call the contractor, ANSCO, first.  If that does not work, they can call Barry McLamb at (919) 968-2705 or e-mail him at

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB, April Approvals

The ARB approved the below at last night’s meeting.

  • 121 Tharrington, attic fan
  • 147 Graylyn, deck

Questions?  Please e-mail,

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