Board of Directors, Next Meeting

The next meeting of the SVHOA Board of Directors is set for Tuesday, January 8, 2013.  The meeting will be at 600 Market Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room @ 6:30pm.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

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SVHOA Reserve Study

SVHOA Board of Directors have hired Raymond Engineering to perform a reserve study later this year.  This will be a follow up to the reserve study that Raymond Engineering performed in the fall/winter of 2007.  Please click on the below link for a copy of such.

If you would like to participate in the 2012 reserve study, please attend an information meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd @ 2:30pm to 3:30pm at 600 Market Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room.  This meeting is open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

Good Neighbors Guide

Looking for a copy of the SVHOA Good Neighbors Guide, please click on the below link.

Posted in Southern Village News

Obey Creek Information

Looking for information on Obey Creek, please click on the below link.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB October Approvals

The ARB made the following decisions:

  • 113 Glenhaven, landscaping approved
  • 200 Overlake, landscaping approved
  • 103 Unwin Circle, sunroom & patio approved
  • 121 Glenhaven, fence approved
  • 308 Westside, landscaping & fence approved
  • 208 Brookgreen, deck approved

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

Information on Southern Village Street Trees

Southern Village Homeowners Association (SVHOA) wants to remind residents of single-family homes they are 100% responsible for the maintenance of the trees in front of their homes.  Additionally, townhouses & courtyard home owners are responsible for their trees.  SVHOA is only responsible for the street trees in front of common land areas (ex, Central Park, Highgrove Park, etc).

Several years ago SVHOA paid for all the trees in Southern Village to get a deep-root feeding and for the lower limbs to be pruned by the arborist.  These projects have long ago happened & SVHOA will not be continuing these projects in the future.

That said, there are several things you can do to protect your trees and keep them healthy for years.  First, trees need water.  Using a slow stream from a hose for 30 minutes once a week in the summer can really benefit your trees.  Second, trees require nutrition and hiring an arborist to feed your trees yearly would benefit them.  You can also go online to read about how to feed the trees yourself or you may consult a local nursery.  Third, dead and dying limbs should be removed from trees.  This project can be done by an arborist if the tree is too tall for you to reach.  Finally, spray your trees for diseases and/or insects.

Posted in Southern Village News

Manager’s Report for September

The SVHOA Manager’s Report for September is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village Hotel Website

Interested in learning more about the proposed Southern Village hotel?  Please visit, or come to 400 Market Street, Suite 115 & ask questions.

Posted in Southern Village News

Obey Creek Concept Plan Meeting Tonight (9/19)

Please read the attached flyer about a very important meeting tonight.  This plan would have an impact on Southern Village.  Please attend if your schedule allows.

Obey (2)
obey-2.pdf (804 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

Letter from Board President Mary Jo Coppola

Dear Residents,

It is too often that we talk or think about getting something done, but then time passes, distractions interfere and before long the idea has vanished.  I am glad that Susan Duke did not allow this to happen when she proposed a Southern Village Welcoming Group to the HOA Board.

Susan and her committee, Sue Goloboy, Tiffany Allen, Mary Wrighton, and Hazel Zweig now welcome new neighbors to Southern Village with custom bags full of Market Street merchants’ wares.  They just hosted their Second Meet & Greet and have a third planned in December.  It was a lovely event and a wonderful time had by all of the 22+ new members.  They certainly seemed to enjoy meeting and getting to know one another!
Southern Village truly needed such a group for newcomers to feel welcome and to be properly greeted!  Thanks to all five ladies for making this happen and to the HOA Board for their support of this wonderful endeavor.

For more information and to get involved please visit Facebook, A Southern Village Welcome (Chapel Hill, NC).  This site is not only a great resource for those new to the community but also for those of us who would like to learn more about what is going on locally.

In addition, please feel free to join the Southern Village Voice Yahoo! Group.  A great way to connect, to find babysitters, household items to buy or sell, trusted vendors, etc.!
So to get started.  Visit southernvillage_voice now.*

I have been approached by residents, who have moved here from other areas and they have shared events or traditions that they have enjoyed that they would like to carry forward to Southern Village.  If you have such an interest or a tradition you would like to see Southern Village adopt please let me know.  If we are able to get a planning group together, with the Board’s support we can make it a reality!

As we strive to improve the communication within the Village we ask that you work with us.  Express your concerns or better yet if you see something positive that you would like to comment on we certainly  welcome that too!

The Board is comprised of volunteers.  We serve on this Board to work with Berkeley Management to maintain and to enhance the sense of neighborhood and community that we all enjoy.  Thank you.

Warm Regards,

Mary Jo Coppola
President Southern Village HOA

letter.pdf (49 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News