Proposed Southern Village Hotel

Looking for information about the proposed Southern Village Hotel, click here.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB September Approvals

The ARB has approved the below this month:

  • 410 Cooperline, fence
  • 104 Grayln, paint

Questions?  Please e-mail,

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Southern Village Alleyway Repairs

The management of Asphalt Enterprises has added three additional days to the alley repair schedule.  Work will continue on September 25, 26 and 28 and will concentrate on the alley behind Meeting Street and Parkside Circle as well as the alley behind Highgrove and Parkview Crescent.

If you have questions please write to:

Posted in Southern Village News

Manager’s Report for August

The SVHOA Manager’s Report for August is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB August Approvals

The ARB approved the below applications this month.

  • 113 Hillspring Lane, garage window
  • 114 Westside Drive, fence & landscaping

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

Manager’s Report (July)

The SVHOA Manager’s report for July is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

Board of Directors Meeting

The next SVHOA Board of Directors meeting is Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @ 6:30pm at 600 Market Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA Alleyway Repairs

The Southern Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors  has contracted with Asphalt Enterprises to repair a number of places on the alleys.  Scott Richards, owner of the company, has inspected the community and has listed the major problem areas.  He has identified these areas on the maps that are posted below and has marked them with a yellow pin.

The work is scheduled for the following dates: August 28, 29, 31 and September 4, 5.  Trash and recycle days have been omitted from the schedule.  The work will start at the entrance to Arlen Park and continue throughout Southern Village as shown by the sequence of the maps.  If you live on an alley, you need to be prepared to have your alley repaired on any one of these days.  You may have to exit and enter your alley from a different route but no alleys will be closed completely.

Unless rain is expected to be a day-long event, Scott reports that the crew will work daily until the job is complete.

Please contact the Berkeley Property Management Office Manager at 919-960-2836 or if you have any questions.

maps.pdf (1 MB)

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village Community Watch Semi-annual Meeting

On Thursday, July 26, 2012, at Christ Methodist Church, at 6:30 P.M. there will be the Semi-annual Meeting of the Southern Village Community Watch and the Chapel Hill Police Department.  The meeting will be in the main church building in Ascension Hall.

All residents are invited to attend.  You will have the opportunity to meet members of the Chapel Hill Police Department, Community Watch Block Captains and the Southern Village Community Watch District Coordinator.   Also, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss various Community Watch activities.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

Manager’s Report for June

The SVHOA Manager’s Report for June is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News