Board of Directors Meeting

The next meeting of the SVHOA Board of Directors will be Tuesday, January 10, 2012 @ 6:30pm at 600 Market Street (2nd Floor Conference Room).  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Posted in Southern Village News

December Manager’s Report

The SVHOA Manager’s Report for December is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB December Meeting

The ARB approved new skylights for 610 Brookgreen Drive at the December meeting.

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November Manager’s Report

The November Manager’s Report is now available.

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ARB November Meeting

The ARB approved a new fence for 201 Glade Street at the November meeting.

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2012 Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting, or AGM, for SVHOA will be Tuesday, February 28, 2012 @ 7pm at Christ Church.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village Community Watch

The Semi-annual meeting of the Southern Village Community Watch Program and the Chapel Hill Police Department is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, 15 November 2011, at Ascension Hall in the Christ Methodist Church, at 6:30.P.M.

All Southern Village residents are welcome to attend this important meeting. the Police will have a significant number of officer in attendance and it is a good opportunity to meet members of the CHPD and ask them questions about protection.  It will be an opportunity to discover the activities and services of the Community Watch Program.  It will be an opportunity also to join in the Community Watch Program.

Several members of Community Watch Programs in neighboring areas will be present as well as members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

This is a chance to show your support and commitment to the services of community safety offered in Southern Village.  As an additional encouragement, refreshments will be offered.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB October Meeting

The following decisions were made at this month’s ARB meeting.

301 Westside, deck approved
214 Westgreen, fence approved
103 Graylyn, paint approved
302 Westside, patio roof approved
111 Hillspring, solar panels approved

Questions?  Please e-mail:

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SVHOA Townhome Maintenance Policy

On Tuesday, October 18th the SVHOA Board of Directors acted on the SVHOA Townhome Committee recommendation to update the Townhome Owners Maintenance Policies & Proceedures.  That updated document is below.

Questions?  Please e-mail

Posted in Southern Village News

Chapel Hill 2020: Our Town, Our Vision

Date: 10/27/2011 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Ephesus Elementary School
1495 Ephesus Church Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517

The community and the Council have asked for a new Comprehensive Plan to reexamine the vision for Chapel Hill and to plan together for our community’s future. The new planning and visioning document will create a framework for the community to guide the Town Council in managing Chapel Hill’s future over the next 20 years.

Chapel Hill 2020 is a plan that involves Chapel Hill, every community, every race, every age, every culture, every corner. What is in Chapel Hill 2020 will directly affect you — your values, your ambitions, your family, your future. You have made Chapel Hill your town, and we want to hear from you.

Help create a new Comprehensive Plan at

Questions: or 919-968-272

Posted in Southern Village News