Call for SVHOA Board of Directors Nominations

SVHOA will be electing one new director to the five-person board at the association’s annual meeting early in 2012.  Consequently, the Nominating Committee is seeking names of possible candidates.

If you, or anyone you know, might be interested in this important volunteer position, please email to learn more about the opportunity.

Posted in Southern Village News

2012 Dues

SVHOA Board of Directors approved the following dues for 2012:

  •      Single Family Homes & Class III, $200 per year (no change from 2011)
  •      Alleyways, $73 per year (up from $64)
  •      Courtyard, $500 per year (no change)
  •      Condominiums, $75 per year (no change)
  •      Apartments, $14.70 per year (no change)
  •      Townhome I, $100 per month (no change)
  •      Townhome II, $80 per month (no change)
  •      Highgrove, $110 per month (no change)
  •      Westend, $120 per month (no change)

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA Manager’s Report (October)

The manager’s report for October is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

Board of Directors October Meeting

The SVHOA Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, October 18th @ 6:30pm at 600 Market Street.  This meeting & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

Screening of Carbon Nation & Mini Energy Fair

Dear press contacts, speakers, vendors, fellow Transitioners and friends,

Please find attached a flyer and a press release for the screening of the movie carbon nation on the Green in Southern Village on Friday, Oct 14.  Please help advertise the event and distribute flyers and information to reach as many people as possible.  The movie is very inspiring and hopeful.  I believe it will inspire people who see it to take small measures themselves, like participating in Phase 2 of the Town of Chapel Hill WISE program.  We will screen the film carbon nation on the Southern Village Green on Friday, October 14 at around 7pm. (Rain date: Oct. 15.).

Carbon nation is an optimistic discovery of what people are already doing, what we as a nation could be doing and what the world needs to do to prevent (or slow down) the impending climate crisis.  We already have the technology to combat most of the worst-case scenarios of climate change, and it is very good business as well. See a trailer and learn more about the film at  Come see how people across the country are cutting their carbon emissions and their energy costs. The screening will be introduced by speakers

Leif Forer – co-founder of Piedmont Biofuels
Dennis Markatos-Soriano, Executive Director East Coast Greenway Alliance
Jane Norton, Chief Visionary OfficerReSourcing Natural Solutions & Eartheal

and will be accompanied by a mini-energy efficiency fair featuring the Town of Chapel Hill WISE program and these local providers of energy services and local food:

Town of Chapel Hill WISE program
Strata Solar
Green Horizon
Transition Carrboro-Chapel Hill
BIG Bundts (local food)
Parlez Vous Crepe (local food)
Bikescream (local bike powered Ice Cream)

Viewers inspired by the movie can take immediate action by consulting energy experts, getting information and contacts, or even scheduling energy assessments for their homes right there and then.  Come join the fun!

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village Townhome Maintenance

The SVHOA Board of Directors have mailed a letter to all townhome owners about the existing maintenance policy.  For a copy of that letter, please click on SVHOA Townhome Memo.  Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

1st Annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program

Dr. Bilal Saib from Chapel Hill Advanced Dentistry, located in Southern Village, is hosting their 1st annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back program on Tuesday, November 1 and Wednesday, November 2 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.

Dr. Saib and his staff are hoping to collect 100 pounds of candy.  The candy will be donated to Operation Gratitude.  Operation Gratitude includes donated candy in care packages that they assemble and send to service members overseas.

Chapel Hill kids aged 12-and-under will be rewarded $1 per pound of unopened candy that they donate (up to 5 pounds per person).  Kids must be accompanied by an adult.

Letters to service members will also be collected at the event.

For more information, contact Chapel Hill Advanced Dentistry at (919) 933-3388 or visit

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA Manager’s Report (September)

The September Manager’s Report is now available.

Posted in Southern Village News

HOA Board Meeting Agenda (2011-10-18)

The October 18th Board of Directors agenda is now available.

Posted in Board Meeting Agenda, Southern Village News

Southern Village Welcoming Committee

Dear Friends/Neighbors,

One of the most memorable things about moving to a new neighborhood is being welcomed by the neighbors (or not!). The three of us moved to Southern Village between several months and several years ago, and we’ve appreciated being warmly welcomed by many of our respective neighbors. But we’d like to do more – both for our new neighbors themselves as well as for our community as a whole, weaving the fabric toward a more tightly knit community. Southern Village’s friendliness is one of the things that drew many of us here. Now that Neighborship is up and running, this seemed like a logical next step.

To that end, Sue Goloby and I (with the support of HOA board member, Mary Jo Coppola) would like to begin a SV Welcoming Committee. We’ve begun to gather ideas about how this might work. For example, it would be nice to have a welcome basket for new residents (including items from Market Street merchants interested in participating) and some basic information about SV and Chapel Hill. We were also toying with the idea of meeting with the newest neighbors at a local restaurant periodically so they can get to know each other too.

If you have interest in joining Sue and me in forming the Welcoming Committee, we plan to meet at 7 pm on Thurs, Sept 29. Please contact Susan or Sue and we’ll provide you the address.

And whether or not you have time or inclination to be on the committee, we appreciate everyone’s ideas for what we might consider for our initial efforts!

Kind Regards,
Susan Duke, Sue Goloby and Mary Jo Coppola
( or

Posted in Southern Village News