Morgan Creek Trail Opens June 4th

The Town of Chapel Hill has planned a grand celebration on Saturday, June 4, National Trails Day, with the opening of the Morgan Creek Trail. Shuttles start at 10 a.m. from Frank Porter Graham School on Smith Level Road, and the event begins at 11 a.m.

The new trail provides access to open space to the south and west of Fordham Boulevard, a woodland corridor that James Taylor called “Copperline.” Chapel Hill is creating a network of more than 38 miles of linear open space. The total land area of Chapel Hill is 21.3 square miles, and about 11 percent of this is dedicated to parks and open space. There are about 1,200 acres of park, open space, and greenway easements totaling 12 miles of trails.

The ribbon cutting event will include speakers Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt, Greenways Commission Chair Christine Berndt, Johnny Randall of the Botanical Garden Foundation and Public Arts Commission Chair Gerald D. Bolas. After the ribbon cutting, participants will be invited on a hike of the trail and Merritt’s Pasture. Watch the Chapel Hill VID to learn more about this project.

Morgan Creek Trail is located on the north side of Morgan Creek, from Merritt Pasture to a new parking lot east of Kingswood Apartments. The Town of Chapel Hill was awarded $347,000 in federal stimulus funding to complete the $1.2 million project. Funds also came from the Federal Highway Administration allotted through the Metropolitan Planning Organization ($640,000), and 2003 Town bond funds ($220,000).

The celebration marks the completion of the first phase of the project, which features a .85 mile concrete trail that includes two new bridges, a section of boardwalk, and an underpass of the James Taylor Bridge (Hwy 15-501). Residents of the Southbridge neighborhood can access the new trail by using an informal path on Town open space property.

Hikers can follow the main trail along the north side of the creek, eastward to the edge of Merritt’s Pasture. From the end of the paved trail, walkers can continue hiking along a natural surface path that circles the Pasture. Bicycles are not allowed in Merritt’s Pasture. All dogs must be on a leash. There is no public access downstream (east) of Merritt’s Pasture, along Morgan Creek.

Phase Two of the project is expected to begin in 2012. This will connect Phase One of the Morgan Creek Trail with the existing Fan Branch Trail. The combined trails will be about three miles long and will connect Southern Community Park, Southern Village, Scroggs School, Merritt’s Pasture, and open space along Morgan Creek. Phase Two will likely be completed in late 2012 or early 2013.

Currently, there is limited public access to the Morgan Creek area, which is protected by a conservation easement. The 92-acre nature preserve stretches along Morgan Creek from Merritt Pasture to the Chapel Hill town limit at Smith Level Road. The land is bounded by Merritt Pasture on the east, the Carrboro Town line on the west, Culbreth Road to the south, and Fordham Boulevard to the north. The open space was amassed in a series of acquisitions that were finalized in March 2007.

For more information about the ribbon cutting event or access to this new trail, contact Bill Webster, assistant director of Parks and Recreation, at 919-968-2819 or

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village HOA Alleyways

The Southern Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors has approved the resealing of the HOA owned alleys.  Asphalt Enterprises has been hired for this important project.  The project will start on Tuesday, July 5th.  A detailed letter is being mailed to all residents that are affected.  A copy of that letter is below.

1111.pdf (7 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village HOA Insurance Policy

Below is a copy of the current SVHOA  insurance policy.

Questions?  Please e-mail,

1110.pdf (495 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

HOA Financial Report (2011-04-30)

Posted in Financial Report

Neighborship: Now launched in Southern Village!

Communicate with your neighbors and strengthen your sense of community: Join this new website that will bring Southern Village neighbors together to share information about neighborhood news, events, items to buy & sell, resources, recommendations, hobbies, interests, and much more–whatever people want to learn or share.  Find out more and sign up now by clicking here.

Neighborship is something that Mary Jo Coppola, SVHOA Board of Directors Vice President, has been working on with a Social Media Committee comprised of Southern Village residents. Any questions, comments or ideas can be directed to Mary Jo @

Posted in Southern Village News

Going Green News

The Going Green Committee is pleased to announce two clinics that will be part Southern Village Farmers Market on Thursday, May 5th from 3:30 – 6:30 on Aberdeen Drive, adjacent to the Village Green:

1. Muriel Williman, the Outreach coordinator for Orange County Waste Management will do a composting demo.  The demonstration will teach participants the basics of indoor composting using worms, and outdoor composting using a variety of methods including both home-made and manufactured containers.  Class will discuss various compost “recipes”, how to build both hot and passive piles, what does and does not go in, and best management practices.

2. Sun Dogs Solutions, a certified contractor in the Chapel Hill WISE (Worthwhile Investment Save Energy) program will be present ways to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient and talk about the WISE program. “Measure, Reduce, Produce = Smart Energy Solutions”.  When it comes to your home, energy efficiency projects can seem overwhelming and all too often homeowners give up because they simply don’t know where to start.  If this sounds familiar, then this presentation is for you.  During this presentation, you will learn about the basic concepts of energy efficiency, what tools performance contractors use to evaluate your home and why, and what you should expect from an home performance analysis.  The purpose of this presentation is to inform so you will be better equipped to hire a qualified performance contractor that will meet your needs.

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA Board of Directors Meeting

As a reminder, the next SVHOA Board of Directors Meeting is on Tuesday, July 19th.  The meeting is @ 6:30pm at 600 Market Street.  This meeting is open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB April Meeting

The ARB made the below decisions at the April meeting.

121 Glenhaven Drive, approved finishing attic with dormer window addition
407 Parkside Circle, approved extending deck, fence & paint
116 Glade Street, approved fence & landscaping
107 Meeting Street, approved paint
401 Parkside Circle, approved moving fence

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

HOA Board Meeting Minutes (2011-04-12)

Posted in Board Meeting Minutes

HOA Board Meeting Agenda (2011-04-12)

Posted in Board Meeting Agenda