HOA Financial Report (2010-07-31)

The July financials are now available.

Posted in Financial Report, Southern Village News

Call for SVHOA Board of Directors Nominations

We will be electing two new directors to the five-person SVHOA board at the association’s annual meeting early in 2011.  Consequently, the Nominating Committee is seeking names of possible candidates.

If you, or anyone you know, might be interested in these important volunteer positions, please email bod@southernvillage.org to learn more about the opportunity.

Posted in Southern Village News

HOA News: August Update

The SVHOA Board of Directors were busy at their August meeting approving plans to make improvements in Southern Village.  The Board approved new plantings for Arlen Park.  Once the summer heat ends, Ecoscapes will add plants to the outer edges of Arlen Park.  As you might know, this landscaping has dual purposes: (1) erosion control & (2) beautification.  Also, this fall residents will also see Jon Hanna, from Ecologic, working on street trees near (in front of) the condominiums.  Both of these projects will be finished before the end of the year.

Posted in Southern Village News

Townhome News: August Update

The SVHOA Board of Directors approved the Townhome Committee’s request to have the black iron railings painted.  CS Painting  will begin work on Monday, September 13, 2010.  The project will continue for about 4 weeks.  Work will take place from 8am to 6pm, weekdays.

The below letter was mailed to all Townhome owners.

1002.pdf (14 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

HOA Board Meeting Minutes (2010-08-03)

The August 3rd Board meeting minutes are now available.

Posted in Board Meeting Minutes, Southern Village News

SVHOA Landscaping

On Tuesday, August 3rd the SVHOA Board of Directors voted to approve the new SVHOA Landscaping Guidelines.  Specifically these guidelines are for the area between the sidewalk & the street.

998.pdf (49 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

SVHOA 2011 Budget

Tonight, the SVHOA Board of Directors kicked off its budget cycle for 2011.  If you have suggestions or comments about the budgets for next year, please send them to the Board, via e-mail: bod@southernvillage.org.

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB August Meeting

There will be no ARB meeting in August.  If you have a submission, please send an e-mail to arb@southernvillage.org by Monday, August 9th & it will be reviewed.  Otherwise all submissions will be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting.  As a reminder the ARB meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 7pm at Weaver Street Market.

Posted in Southern Village News Tagged

Townhome News

Owners of the Southern Village townhomes have seen much activity recently.  The front doors & shutters have a fresh coat of paint & rotten wood has been repaired & painted. Kil-Mor has been inspecting the townhomes for termites, treating the homes when necessary & notifying owners if problems exist.

The landscaping team at Ecoscapes has applied new mulch & has finished trimming the shrubs.  All the townhomes look quite refreshed in this hotter than normal summer.

Jon Hanna, the arborist at Ecologic, continues to prune the street trees in the community.  He requests, once again, that residents with new trees near their houses water these trees weekly.  Even a gallon or two of water can make a difference in this hot weather.

Questions?  Please e-mail: manager@southernvillage.org.

Posted in Southern Village News

Community Watch

A note about solicitations and solicitors:

The Southern Village Community Watch would like to share information with you that could be of special interest for safety.  It may also answer some questions for which you may have wanted to know the correct answer.

Recently several residences have been bothered by persons knocking on the doors, after nine o’clock in the evening. The persons said they were “soliciting” for two different “causes.”  In both of the cases they were asked to leave the premises.  Solicitations like this are not legal and could be dangerous to the residents.

In Chapel Hill, and therefore in Southern Village, people soliciting must have a permit, issued by the Chapel Hill Police Department and must have a photo identification card, also issued by the Chapel Hill Police Department.  Otherwise soliciting is illegal.  Do not admit people soliciting who do not have such identification.

And common sense tells us not to admit anyone “soliciting” late in the evening.  Be careful and watchful. If we all are especially careful and watchful, word will spread that such activities in Southern Village are not appreciated.  If the situation is unusual or suspicious, call 911.

That being said, our Officer Robin Clark, supplied additional information to clarify things and to make available, in detail, the ordinances relating to such activities.  If you are interested you can contact Officer Clark at RCLARK@townofchapelhill.org.

Still have questions?  E-mail: communitywatch@southernvillage.org.

Posted in Southern Village News