ARB: February Meeting

The ARB met last night to review three pending applications.  Below is a summary of the ARB decisions.

704 Highgrove: Dormer addition approved
127 Hillspring Lane: Fence approved
911 Edgewater Circle: Enclosed walkway discussed & revisions suggested, will re-visit next meeting

Questions?  Please e-mail:

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ARB Meeting Schedule

The ARB has established a meeting schedule for the remainder of 2010.  Start next month & continuing each month thereafter the ARB will me on the third Wednesday of each month.  The meetings will take place at 7pm at Weaver Street Market.  These meetings & all meetings of SVHOA are open to the public.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

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Speed Tables in Southern Village

From Erin Furr on behalf of Neighborhood Watch

If you are interested in speed tables on your street see the attached documents from the Town of Chapel Hill.  In the past it was discussed with Kumar from Public Works that Southern Village streets should be looked at on the whole – not on a one-on-one basis – as a speed table on one street will only drive cars to adjacent streets without speed tables.  However, since they are putting in a speed table on Westside Drive, it is apparent Kumar is now able to look at speed tables individually.  If you would like a speed table on your street here’s what to do:
1. Fill out a request form for traffic calming (see below attachment)
2. The town will send you a petition for your street to sign (if you don’t get it in a week you will have to follow up)
Please e-mail Kumar with Public works and the mayor and commissioners urging them to look at this issue immediately
Please do not send requests to me.  They have to be sent to Public Works.

938.pdf (563 KB)
940.pdf (36 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

Southern Village Save the Symphony

Open Letter to Southern Village Homeowners:

I’m writing on behalf of Market Street Association (MSA).  As most of you know, we’re the organization that maintains and upgrades The Village Green and holds the many events that take place on The Green and on the stage.

The absolute highlight of our events is the annual performance by our state treasure, the North Carolina Symphony.  In fact, the Symphony has been performing annually in Southern Village for the last ten years.  We have recently received some unfortunate news from the Symphony.  As many of you know, the Symphony has been under extreme financial pressures.  The performers and administrators alike have had to take deep pay cuts.   Hitting closer to home, they’ve also had to reduce to only 3 the number of summer performances on their schedule for 2010.  Included in those 3 performances are venues that they missed last summer.  Sadly, after 10 years of performing in Southern Village, they very simply don’t have the funds to come here this summer.

When we learned of this news, we went back to them and asked them how much it would take for them to return.  Adding up what Harrington Bank and Market Street Association spend to bring the Symphony here, we realized that there is a shortfall of $8,000.

The purpose of this letter is to ask the Southern Village residents to make up this $8,000 shortfall.  We’re asking that each of you take a serious look at what it means to you, your household, your property values, and your community to hold this priceless event in Southern Village.    We’d like you to consider what a magical event the Symphony evening is, enjoyed by young and old alike.  Seeing the Symphony perform under the stars is the highlight of the year for so many people in our community.  This prestigious and noteworthy event sets Southern Village apart from any other community in Chapel Hill, and in fact, most other communities in the entire state.  It helps to enhance the reputation of Southern Village as an upscale, culturally alive community.

Looking at the numbers, there are 530 single family homes in Southern Village and 140 town homes.  If each of those households contributes $12, our goal of $8,000 would be easily met.  Obviously, not all households can or will take part in this fundraising effort, so going back to the numbers, we need only 275 or 320 families donating $25 or $30 each.  Think about what it would cost you and your family to attend a Symphony event at Memorial Hall or at their home venue in Raleigh—much more than $25 or $30 per family.  If your family can commit to a donation of $50 or $100, it would certainly help to close the $8,000 gap and ensure that the event returns this year.

Some of you may wonder why Market Street Association doesn’t just donate the additional $8,000.  The main reason is that by the time we heard the news from the Symphony, we had already made commitments to bring two major new events to Southern Village—the Orange County Artists Guild (OCAG) Arts Fair (formerly Arts in The Meadow at Meadowmont) and a performance by the renowned Paperhand Puppet troupe.  Both of these events represent significant financial outlays.  Furthermore, in addition to the funds that we donate directly to the Symphony each year, we spend an equal amount on logistical expenses to handle the event (parking, lighting, sound, security, and much more.)

One important note—this is an urgent request!  The Symphony needs to know by Monday, February 22.  We don’t need the money right now, but we do need the commitment from you, so that we’ll know now if we can close the $8,000 funding gap.  I encourage you all to look into your hearts and see what this performance really adds to your lives, to the lives of your children, and to your community.  I respectfully ask that you consider donating as much as $50 or $100 or even more.  If you feel that you want to be a major Symphony sponsor, donating $1,000, we would be delighted to have your name on our banner and in the program book.  Remember, your donation to The Symphony is tax deductible.

In closing, I want to thank you all for the enthusiastic support you’ve shown for the many events that we hold in Southern Village, and in particular, for your attendance (over 2,000 of you!) at our annual Symphony evening.  Please let us know by Noon on Monday if you’re able to help.


Beverly Carr
Market Street Association
919.969.7301 x231

937.pdf (27 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

HOA Board Meeting Minutes (2010-01-12)

The minutes of the January 12th Board meeting are now available.

Posted in Board Meeting Minutes, Southern Village News

SVHOA Annual General Meeting Summary

At tonight’s AGM over 100 members present in person or by proxy took part in the vote for two new Board of Directors, each serving a new three year term.  Cindy Gudeman & Rainer Dammers ran unopposed & were declared elected.

Following the AGM the Board met & voted for these officer appointments for 2010: President, Jeremy Purbrick; Vice President, Jason Luna; Treasurer, Paul Rowe & Secretary, Rainer Dammers.

Posted in Southern Village News

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity volunteer information session set for Sunday, February 21st @ 4:30 pm at 101 Market Street (building closest to 15-501).

Christ Church invites our community neighbors to join us as we partner with Habitat for Humanity of Chatham and Orange Counties to build safe, affordable housing for low-income families.  Plan to attend the information session this Sunday @ 4:30 pm at 101 Market Street.

For more information, please e-mail:

Posted in Southern Village News

Chapel Hill Spring Garden Tour

The Chapel Hill Spring Garden Tour is Saturday April 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday April 18 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The tour features eight distinguished private gardens in the Lake Forest neighborhood of Chapel Hill.  The gardens offer a combination of rustic charm, sophisticated plantings, delightful sculptures, and striking water features. 

The tour is non-profit with proceeds supporting the new green North Carolina Botanical Garden Education Center.

Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 day of tour.  Children under 16 accompanied by adult free.  Tickets will be available in March at selected outlets and/or may be purchased at  For more information call 919-962-0522.

Posted in Southern Village News

AGM Proxy

The SVHOA Board of Directors hopes you can attend the AGM (annual meeting) scheduled for this Wednesday, February 17th @ 7pm on the campus of Christ Church.  Even if you cannot attend in person, you still can attend by proxy.  Please consider filling out the below proxy & sending it in prior to the meeting.  Or, if you would rather, give it to a neighbor that you know is attending the meeting.

Questions?  Please e-mail:

927.pdf (8 KB)

Posted in Southern Village News

ARB February Meeting

The next ARB meeting is set for Tuesday, February 23rd @ 7pm at Weaver Street Market.  Questions?  Please e-mail:

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